It's dangerous to go through your stash when you already have too many WIPs. Trust me on this.
Last night, I started and finished my first ornament-type thingamajig. Tonight, I brought out another Pine Mountain pillow kit from my stash and got it done. When I saw the pillow's patriotic fabric, the firecracker button, and the saying "God Bless America", I figured it was just too perfect since the Fourth of July is just days away.

Tomorrow I have promised myself that I will work on that gift for a friend. I might not stick with it all day and all evening, but I will make some killer progress.
Many, many thanks to everyone for their comments! I LOVE seeing what y'all have to say. It truly tickles me to find comments, compliments, questions...whatever is on the reader's mind. It also gives me great pleasure to surf everyone else's blogs, too. It is at other stitcher's blogs that I find some laughter, tons of motivation, inspiration, and living proof that cross-stitch is NOT dying.
To Lisa/Texan (but everyone can read this...if it was private, I would have e-mailed her...LOL) -- To answer your question, I got my Mill Hill "On the Range" kit at Cross Stitch Haven in Oklahoma City. I didn't buy the extra kit (the little turquoise boot). Also, I had it custom-framed instead of using the recommended frame. If you can't find the kit, lemme know and I'll be glad to enable. Er, I you find it. *angelic smile* And about those Redbird Designs...ohhhhhhh man, aren't they great? We have good taste. *hee hee* I also have their alphabet quilt patterns and the Texas Montly Minis, as well as a few other single, small designs.
To Julie (again, everyone can read this...LOL) -- I will gladly post an updated picture of my year-'round snowman/winter display as soon as I get my shelves dusted. Hahahahaha! That might happen might happen in a week. Who knows? ;-) Meanwhile, there is a fairly recent picture in my Photobucket album. Scroll down and look on the right side of your screen while at my blog and you'll see a link to "LoriRay's Photobucket Albums". After clicking that link, you will see a list of sub-albums. Click on "Home" and somewhere in there are a few pics of my snowman shelves. :-) I promise to post pics on my blog soon, just because you asked. Don't go gettin' a big head now. *snort* ;-)
Once again, I've stayed up almost an hour past my self-promised deadline. It was worth it -- stitching, watching Forensic Files, and getting a little quiet "me" time. *deep breath* Yeah, that was nice. *big grin*
Meanwhile, wish us luck for my oldest son's baseball tournament this week. The tournament will end Wednesday or Thursday, depending on if we win or lose our scheduled games. The first game is Tuesday evening at 6 PM. Win or lose, we'll play Wednesday evening. At least these are single games and not double-headers like in the regular season. This is really it this time -- after the tournament this week, there is no more baseball for the rest of July. Coach will start calling practice sometime in August before school starts.
We all need a break and are trying to schedule a vacation around mid-July. That was before one of our employees got himself a DUI last Saturday night and was also charged with an open container. Sheesh. How utterly stupid!!! I think his girlfriend wanted us to bail him out. As if! Let him sit and rot until his sentencing July 29th. See if I care. He shouldn't have been drinking and driving. When it comes to drinking and driving, I have ZERO tolerance and ZERO patience. (Betcha already had that figured out.) My point is that I am hoping we can still schedule a vacation. If not, then we MUST take one in August before school starts, even if it's not as long or as far as we had originally planned.
ANYway, my gosh, I have rambled forever. If you've made it this far, come back another time and re-read this entire post if you need help falling asleep. I won't even bill you for the assistance. If you didn't make it this far, well, thanks for lookin' at the pictures. ;-) Nite nite to everyone. *doing my Miss America wave which Carolyn knows all-too-well*