Hello to my fellow stitching addicts! *big, huge, cheesy grin* Sorry I've been gone so long but I'm back and ready to blog now.
I've been a busy little stitcher at times during my absence. Ready for some pictures? Here we go!
Here is a cute little Halloween box that was from a Mill Hill kit sent to me by a friend. I stitched and finished it sometime during the last two weeks:

I also stitched and finished Shepherd's Bush "House Haunting":

Major happy dance here -- I finished the Lizzie Kate Flip-Its project and took it to my framer just this past Thursday. They said it should be framed within two weeks and I am so excited! Meanwhile, until I get a picture of it framed, here is the finished piece:

During the past month or so, I finished up a few smaller projects, too. One is this Holy Bible bookmark:

I had stitched the bookmark for myself but then ended up giving it to my grandmother. Funny how things like that happen, huh? ;-) Don't make me talk about my mother and grandmother coming to visit last week. Remember my frog fob by Stitchy Kitty that I put on a pair of green scissors? Well, my mother stole it. Yep, she stole it. (Okay, so I gave it to her but it's more fun to make up stories. LOL)
Anyway...I managed to stitch and finish my first perforated paper Christmas ornament. It was an adorable little kit by Mill Hill called "Frosty":

For now, the ornament is hanging out with one of my snowmen I have on display year-'round.
Whew, I think that's it for stitching updates. Now I have added a WIP that is top secret until I give it to my mother. *hee hee* Tell ya' what...I'll tell everyone but my mother what that top secret project is. Here we go...time for my mother to quit reading...for everyone else, just scroll down....
...keep going...
...and keep on scrolling down... (Mom, quit reading!)
...the top secret project I am working on is....
...HAH, I am not stupid! I know my mother is still reading this! LOL LOL LOL
On that note, I will end this post with a promise to try to update my blog weekly and check everyone else's blogs on a regular basis, too. Happy stitching! :-)