I was also able to do some stash shopping. So much for the wagon, huh? The next two pictures are of the stash I bought. Two lucky finds were the Liberty Hill pieces in the upper left corner of the second picture. And yes, that's another pair of Gingher scissors in the upper right corner of the first picture. Those are the gold-handled epaulette scissors. But wait...there's more! In the upper left corner of the second picture next to the Liberty Hill pieces, you'll see the 3 1/2" black oxide scissors. Yay, two more additions! I have a third addition planned already -- next will be the 3 1/2" pewter scissors...mark my words...but first, I have two Liberty Hill pieces on order. Lemme pay for those then we'll see about the Ginghers. *hee hee*

There hasn't been much time to stitch lately. I have been working on a Christmas ornament that will hopefully be finished later or tomorrow so I'll post pictures when that's done. I also stitched my sister a floss tag but forgot to take pictures (DUH!). Sooooooo, I stitched one more pattern on my Heart in Hand "Mother's Wisdom" project. Just four more to go! I'm stitching on 32 count linen over one. There is a quarter in the picture for a size reference. They are so easy and fast to stitch, so maybe I'll just get 'em done soon. Here's the latest picture:

We are supposed to get between 3 and 7 inches of snow tonight/overnight. *crossing everything* It wouldn't even hurt my feelings if we ended up in a blizzard warning -- and that's only a county away at the moment! Quite odd for southwest Oklahoma at the end of March but I'll take it! :-)
Remember my friend from church who is battling breast cancer? She got a great report on her last doctor's visit -- her treatment has reduced the size of her measurable tumors by 30 to 40 percent! Isn't that wonderful? Keep those prayers coming anyway and thanks for all the prayers you all have said so far.
Hopefully everyone is warm, safe, and frog-free. Happy stitching!