Hi everyone! I've received a couple of e-mails wondering about why I haven't updated my blog. Sorry! Life gets in the way sometimes but it sure is nice to know there are folks out there in the e-world who care. So instead of rambling on and on about what I've been doing, here are a ton of pictures to show you so you can see for yourself. :-) But no griping about work or anything icky...just the good stuff is all I'm gonna talk about. Woo hoo!
My 16-yr-old plays baseball and he got his first game-winning RBI (run batted in) recently. Here he is with the official ball -- and yes, we got a display case for it. *hee hee*

My other son is 13 and he plays drums now. He's only had eight or nine lessons over the last month or two and he is outstanding already! (That review comes from other people and not just his proud momma. LOL) So here he is in his room drumming on his very own drum set:
One of the top-secret gifts I stitched for my mother for Mother's Day was this Shepherd's Bush needleroll called "A Mother's Love":

My serger finally quit frightening me so much so I cleaned off my work area and made a cord cover for my OTT Lite -- easy peasy!

Before going to my oldest son's sports award banquet, we were taking pictures are home. For those of who you don't know what Brad and I look like, here I am along with my crazy husband:

Can you tell that he's the crazy one? *hee hee*
On top of being a Gingher addict and a cross stitch addict, have I mentioned before that I'm a Liberty Hill addict? It's certifiable now because we bought a curio cabinet and dedicated it solely to Liberty Hill pieces:
One of my dozen WIPs right now is the Folk Art Sewing Roll. I am on the fourth of four stitched areas and then it'll be time to do the finishing work. I am so exicted and can't wait to start adding some stitched Liberty Hill / Hillside Samplings pieces to my curio. *major happy dancing*
I've also been working in my sun room/garden room and outside. Here is a picture from my front porch of a hanging basket that I fell in love with -- the stand is from Home Depot and the plant is from Wal-Mart:

Well, I didn't post the other two gifts that I stitched for my mother for Mother's Day and I'm sure there are more pics I should post...but that's plenty for now, don't you think? Hope you enjoyed them!
Take care, happy stitching, and bye for now! :-)