Didn't she do great? I love it! My favorite flower is the purple iris and it goes perfectly with the other things in my bedroom.
Next is a little tuck pillow my mother stitched for me from a Paula Vaughan design. It sits atop my standing jewlery box where I get to enjoy it every day. You will see a crocheted doily underneath the pillow. I didn't make that -- I can't crochet to save my life!

The next picture is of my Town Square afghan WIP. This has got to be the slowest project in the world. I keep putting it down to do other stitching. I swear it will be finished one day! There is even a spot reserved on one of the living room walls just for this afghan. I have a wooden quilt rack thing that hangs on the wall, and the afghan would drape/hang over a rod on the rack. Make sense? Anyway, here it is so far:

Next is a picture of a really quick finish. It's Pine Mountain's "Snowman Face" tuck pillow kit. I think it took a whopping 10 minutes to stitch. LOL! Regardless, it's still a finish and sits with the other snowman stuff I leave out year 'round.

Now for the WIP update on the Lizzie Kate Flip-Its (the year's series that begins with F-34). I've mentioned these - and perhaps included a picture - in a previous blog entry. These are done on one piece of fabric which is 28 count Tattersall (Graziano). The white borders are woven in. Here is January and February with the beginnings of March:
Another recent finish is the MKT/Katy Railroad logo for my uncle as part of his Christmas stuff this year. He worked many years for Katy Railroad and I think he'll like this:
Last, but not least, are the Birds I stitched for my mother. I finally framed it and here it is:

Well, that's all the pictures I've been promising. Hope you all enjoyed looking at them as much as I enjoy stitching them.
Last note -- Radiology school is still going strong. I do love working at the hospital, dealing with the patients...everything. It's a great journey and I'm usually in the top 3 of my class. I just wish I had more stitching time. ;-)