Hello to my fellowing stitching addicts! :-) As most of you know, I've been on the wagon for about two months now which means I haven't been buying hardly any stash...virtually none! Sooooooo, this weekend found Brad and I were child-free -- which is rare -- and we went to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Do you know what that means??? I was at the Silver Needle! Woo hoo! *still happy dancing*
Not only did I get to shop at the Silver Needle, but I was also able to go to Stitchworks, Michaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics, and Hobby Lobby! Here is one of two pictures of my stash haul:

Oooooooooh! Ahhhhhhhhh! I got several square frames from Michaels, some eyelets and a hoop from Hobby Lobby and Michaels (the eyelets are for floss tags/rings and the hoop is for a miniature knotted rug kit), and the rest of the items are from Silver Needle or Stitchworks. Mostly Silver Needle. LOL! I did purchase a few more things...
Liberty Hill stash additions! *more happy dancing* I looooooooooove Liberty Hill stuff and can't get enough of it. I got the needlework tool box, a thread keep/thread board, a hornbook kit by Hillside Samplings, and the Acorn Hill First Stitch Finders kit by Historic Stitches. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I am sooooooooo happy to have these! And you thought Gingher scissors were my main weakness. HAHAHA
Here's a picture of the Liberty Hill stuff I already had:

I had the Folk Art Sewing roll kit, Folk Art thread keep, and the Folk Art sewing box that has the scissor fob and pin cushion kit. Those kits are calling my name. I feel several new projects might be started soon. LOL
Now, about those eyelets...I decided that I am going to be making more floss tags/floss rings. The one I made so far was fun! I'll be making more and will give some as gifts but I might try to sell some, too. Who knows? So meanwhile, I've been accumulating what I need to make a ton of those things. Here is my Crop-A-Dile along with a case of eyelets, rings, etc.:

Do I have to confess that I have about a dozen other eyelet shapes on order? *hee hee*
Well, it's time to catch up from our weekend getaway. Yuck. I really want to stitch, fondle, and roam blogs instead. Until I check in again, know that I appreciate my stalkers (followers) and love the comments. Happy stitching!