*waving and yelling helloooooooooo to Lisa/Texan* This post is just for you. *hee hee* A little birdie told me you had a special request for me to update my blog. Happy now? Hahahahahaha! ;-)
On to stitching news...I do have two recent finishes. One is "Jingle" by Mill Hill:

I'm not happy with the backing and plan to replace it with a red felt where a small edge of the felt will show, sort of like a border. But first I have to buy a piece of red felt. LOL! I stitched this over a couple of days when we were without power during our recent ice storm.
Side note -- if you want to see pictures of our ice storm, you can find a link to my Photobucket album on the right side of this blog. You might have to scroll down a bit but it's there. :-)
My other finish was "Magic of Love" by Twisted Threads:
Brad wants me to make it into a pillow so I think that's what I'm going to do with it. I stitched it with Belle Soie silks. LOVE those silks!!!
We've become good campers when it comes to winter storms now. We have a big generator that powers our furnace, refrigerator, deep freeze, crock pot and electric skillet...not to mention the boys' video game systems, TV, and DVD player. It's frustrating to go without power but that generator sure made life good, all things considered. :-) We got out electricity back several days ago and were without for 7 days but there are still people that haven't been able to have their power restored yet. This was a horrible (yet beautiful!) ice storm that left our entire town of 30,000 people in the dark for days and days. If it weren't for our hard-working city employess and many outside agencies that came to help, our town would not have fared as good as we did. My thoughts and prayers to those who are still without power and might be without for 3 to 4 weeks still.
More stitching talk -- My latest new start is Little House Needleworks' "Rose Sampler" that I will attach to the coordinating Impie, Hattie, and Bea presewn pouch. Just about anything Impie, Hattie, and Bea makes leaves me drooling. :-) I'll have to start and finish another ornament this month to stick with the ornament stitchalong I'm a member of. There are a couple of new starts calling my name but I'm trying to be a good girl and not start anything new without a few more finishes. I'm also trying to be a good girl and not buy any new stash. (Which we all know that usually last a few weeks at most. HAHAHAHA)
Please post a comment and let me know what you're stitching, too. :-)