I have finally updated my Photobucket album with some recent pictures of my home with some Christmas decorating done. It's nothing fancy but it gives my mother (and anyone else who wants to) a peek inside my home.
Here is one of my favorite photos. I love it because you can see our white and silver Christmas tree's reflection in the mirror:

Also, before I forget...this is my 100th post! Woo hoo! Am I supposed to have a celebration or giveaway? I think I've seen stuff like that on other people's blogs...y'all think I should have a giveaway? Just leave a comment and let me know if there's any interest. :-)
Yesterday evening allowed me some great stitching time and I worked on my Shepherd's Bush "O Beautiful" WIP. I didn't realize how much I had missed that piece. Wow, it's gorgeous and I'm making great progress. Expect a WIP picture in a couple of days. :-)))
And finally, a bit of Gingher news...I won the 4" Cassandra Ginghers on eBay today! *thud* Wowee! That's the last pair I can (reasonably) add to my collection so that should be it for my Gingher-buying for a while. (I can hear y'all laughing! Stop it! LOL) From now on, I will most likely only buy the new releases. I have, however, toyed with the thought of selling some of my stash that I know I will never get to *gasp!!!* and building up my PayPal balance so that when/if Gabriella or some other major-high-dollar Ginghers that I don't have come along then I can buy them and be totally guilt-free. *hee hee*
That's it for now. Thanks for reading and please do leave me a comment. Not only do I love seeing what everyone has to say but it also leads me to more blogs that I can add to my list, visit, and leave comments at. Happy stitching!
Congrats on winning the Cassandras! I'm majorly jealous, as I've been outbid on those several times (haven't bid lately, though - maybe with Christmas coming up, I should keep an eye out!). The ornament a month thing sounds like fun. We don't do one every month, but we probably get 8-9 done per year at the LNS. Hope all is well with you!
So glad you joined the 2009 ornie group with us!! So YOU were the last one:) I knew she had one spot left...good going!
Nice dining area...and tree reflection is awesome!! are those TEXAS stars on your walls?...lol...
Congrats on your 100th post! That's a lot!Hey, I love a giveaway...anything to add to my stash:)
Scissors are starting to become my next collectible! Can't wait to see your SB piece!
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :) We updated our kitchen this year and it was a delight to bake in!
Love your scissor addition! it's soo easy to love them, isn't it :)
I'm in the 2009 Ornament group too .. I think we'll have lots of fun!
Congrats on 100 posts! I think you should do whatever you want to celebrate it :)
Love your dining room. I'd love to see more pictures :)
Your dining room is gorgeous! Congratulations on winning the Ginghers. I have resigned myself to collecting the new releases. :) The ornament a month sounds like a lot of fun, and a good goal for the new year. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I always love to receive comments from other stitchers. :)
Love the pictures in Photobucket. Everything looks so beautiful.
I won't enter your giveaway because you gave me so much on my last stash raid. :)
Your dining room looks GORGEOUS!!! I'm in the 2009 ornie group too, and it sounds like fun. Cool beans that you were number 100!
We NEED to catch up, girl. I miss you bunches! I hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas. :)
Carolyn :)
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