Yay, it's halfway done! I finished the June stamp last night but was too tired to post about it before I went to bed.
Nothing much to report about here -- just the usual: the boys' baseball games, working at the shop, keeping up the house, etc. It sounds mundane and boring but I'm really loving it! :-) I don't have as much stitching time as I thought I would but I'm still getting quite a bit of stitching time and this summer should prove to be more stitching-friendly. (I say stuff like that all the time and it rarely works out. ;-) )
Before I go, I will do a shameless advertising plug. Debbie from My Big Toe Designs offered door prizes during the recent on-line needlework show. I was fortunate enough to have my name chosen as a door prize winner and I received the neatest package from Debbie! She sent me a thread picker, a scissor fob, and marking pins -- all in my favorite color of purple! I love them!!! Sooooooooo, if you've been thinking about buying some of her gadgets, I say go for it! They are wonderful!
Okay, advertising and rambling over. ;-) You may now return to your regularly scheduled blog-surfing.